The Ultimate Interior Design Blog

Creating Quiet Moments Amidst the Chaos

Written by Jessica Soldner | Dec 19, 2024 11:00:00 PM

There tends to be a flood of chaos this time of year as we rush toward the finish line of year-end to-dos at work and at home. Piled on top of that is the addition of holiday celebrations, traditions, decorating, gift-giving, and gathering. And then there is the traffic… Abundance abounds, but too much of a good thing isn’t a good thing.

Each day I start my day with movement, prayer/meditation, nutrition, and cleansing.  On those days that I forgo the meditation, I’m simply off. The stillness is necessary to carry me through the whirlwind of the day. 

For quiet moments to occur, there needs to be space to invite them. In architecture, we design quiet moments by creating intentional resting spots. One example of this is niches and alcoves. A niche or alcove is simply a recessed or carved-out area within a larger area. This can be a section of wall recessed and lit for a special piece of art. A bumped-out window with a window seat or a window tucked into a corner with a cozy chair that captures a view of nature. 

Intentional resting spots can also include things like detailed cabinetry hardware, a waterfall sink faucet, or a long hallway broken up with a unique object. Any design element that invites you to stop and linger for a moment is considered a resting spot.

As you move through your home, consider what catches your eye and what elements invite you to pause and appreciate them. 

Not only are quiet moments created through the details that we add to a room, but just as important as what we add is what we take away. Creating quiet moments through the use of negative space is essential.  When a room is filled with patterns and objects, the use of negative space gives your eye a spot to rest. If there is no resting place for the eye, you end up with sensory overload. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase, and your body goes into flight or flight mode. This happens at the mall when you are trying to find that perfect gift. It should not happen in your home.  

As you fill your home with extra holiday decorations, gifts, and loved ones, be intentional about creating more quiet moments in your home, which will lead to more quiet moments in your heart.